Code 27

Turning good ideas into reality

Who are we?

We’re a network of independent software developers that believe technology has the potential to make the world we live in a better place. We focus our energies on turning meaningful ideas into reality. We love sharing and leverage a large pool of common components to enable us to create high quality software without having to start from scratch each time. The best type of software is the kind that has users at its center, respects their time and enable them to achieve more.

What we do

We conduct initial research and develop minimum viable product (MVPs) to help you test your idea and start building a client base. In addition, we provide you with a work plan for taking the MVP further.

Our process:

  1. Discovery meeting to understand your problem
  2. User stories and wire frames to capture the essence of what you’d like to build.
  3. Implementation of a MVP
  4. Documentation of system architecture and work plan for carrying on development.

We are happy to help you grow the project, but at this point it is up to you if you wish to employ a full time development team or use another development consultancy.

A typical MVP would take about 2 weeks and is billed daily according to developer assigned to project.

Work with us

We’re a network of independent developers. By working together we have more fun, learn more and get more done. If you’d like to be part of something bigger than just you head over to the work with us page for more info.